The recent PACE/Council of Europe draft resolution on “The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine” has had the Ukrainian media, whether favourable to the government or unfavourable to the government, picking and choosing selected parts of the 15 page resolution without linking to the entire document.
Well as you can see, above there is a link to the entire document.
Unfortunately for governments past and present, as is clearly evidenced in the document, Ukraine’s failings today are the same failings it had 17 years ago when it acceded to the Council of Europe. In short, all Ukrainian governments past and present are culpable for the failing of Ukraine to meet CoE benchmarks.
So, for the current government, the CoE “to do” list is very well detailed in the above link. The question is, will the current authorities disregard this resolution just as previous governments have disregarded the numerous previous CoE resolutions?
You may anticipate that no significant changes in line with the resolution will occur given the 17 year political history of Ukrainian governments ignoring to such matters, or you may see all changes implimented that do not revolve around Ms Tymoshenko, or once found guilty of the criminal charges relating to fraud, theft, money laundering, tax evasion etc that nailed her partner Lazarenko in a US court, then all amenedments will be made, Ms Tymoshenko technically freed from the current 7 year sentgence but remaining in jail for the criminal offences she is currently being investigated for.
Whatever, we will see how far the current authorities go towards implementing this list (or not).