Whilst almost everyone would be forgiven for thinking that the EU-Ukrainian DCFTA agreement has either already been initialed and dealt with some time ago, or that it has simply ground to a halt over EU concerns regarding selective prosecutions and shabby trial procedures, naturally they would be wrong.
Such incredibly complicated agreements, even when initialed to some public fanfare, have an awful lot of technical bits and pieces that still require the devil of the detail putting into print and being agreed.
Thus this has been the caase between the EU and Ukraine ever since the public initialing of the DCFTA some time ago.
However, on 19th July, the technical bits and pieces were finally agreed and initialed in Brussels between both sides - to absolutely no fanfare whatsoever - other than a short statement from those involved confirming that it had indeed occurred.
There never has been much glory or acknowledgement for the boiler room staff in such matters, garlands and public platitudes being reserved for those who are figureheads is the traditional way.
Anyway, it is now done - almost. Off to the translators within the EU for it to be put into the 22 languages used, and then be circulated to the 27 Member States.
As the devil is so oft in the detail that was only agreed and initialed a few days ago, any of my Brussels Quarter readers who may happen upon a copy of this, do feel free to share!