This has absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine, unless you happen to be a now hapless Ukrainian student who thought they were going to study at London Metropolitan University. The UKBA has revoked the London Metropolitan University license to educate non-EU students with immediate effect. Fair enough, if the university is so terribly poor at [...]
The Diplomatic Games - Moscow 4-8 October
Well, we’ve had the Eurovision, Euro 2012 football tournament, Olympics 2012, and the Paralympics 2012 begins in effect today. That is to name just a few major sporting events in 2012. A veritable sports-fest for those inclined to either participate or go along as a spectator. But, my dear readers, with the conclusion of the [...]
Has Ukraine changed since Independence? - Fundamentally No (Contains an essential read if you want to understand Ukraine)

Yesterday I was interviewed by one of the EU’s many Brussels based (and funded) media outlets. I am a regular contributer and am often asked to offer up difficult and thought-provoking questions which are then in turn put to members of the European Council, the European Commission, or MEPs, eventually forming the basis of articles [...]
Ukrainian Cypriot relations

The EU’s very naughty boy, the offshore tax haven of Cyprus, and Ukraine are getting ever more friendly. Last week, the Cypriot President paid his first ever visit to Ukraine, and this whilst Cyprus is also holding the EU Presidency. Amongst the somewhat more bizarre things to happen whilst in Ukraine, President Chrsitofias was given [...]
Tigipko - Stating the obvious!

There are a few things that all good politicians can do in any nation on earth. The first is deftly avoid answering a question, the second is manipulating statistics in an attempt to add credence to their position, and the third is to make an address or speech without reading it and sounding like a [...]
Extradition, Ukraine and the “Putin 3 Plotters”
Photographs of Odessa
As some readers have rightly pointed out, there are few photographs from Odessa in this blog to date. In an effort to change that there is a new category on the right of your screen, aptly entitled “Photographs of Odessa - Irisha Onischuk” Irisha is a student in Odessa who has a love for photography, [...]