I will immediately steer clear of the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index 2012, which unsurprisingly ranks Ukraine at 144th and perceived as corrupt, simply because that will grab the mainstream headlines. Ukraine still perceived as corrupt shocker - blah blah blah - not news at all!
Instead I will bring to your attention the 2012 International Index of Energy Security Risk - an index where Ukraine ranks bottom of the top 25 energy users - but is improving!
“Since 1992, the Ukraine has had by far the worst energy security index scores of any country in the large energy user group, both nominally and compared to the OECD. Its scores over the period averaged about 181% higher than those for the OECD. A net importer of oil, natural gas, and coal, Ukraine scores particularly poorly on energy expenditures and energy use intensity. However, Ukraine’s overall risk has been trending downward. From its peak of 2,732—277% above the OECD average—in 1996, the country’s total risk score fell to 2,011 in 2009—still 130% above the OECD average but a considerable improvement, and recent trends suggest further improvements.”
Well, I can’t keep being the harbinger of entirely doom-ridden and gloomy news all the time can I? - It seems even though Ukraine is destined to be at the bottom of the 25 biggest energy users league relating to energy security for some time, it is at least making most notable progress in the right direction!
It’s a shame the same encouraging trending dynamics can’t be said for much else in Ukraine over the past 20 years.