A few days ago, an entry was posted lamenting the standard of Kremlin agitprop/disinformation/misinformation etc., and the chronically weak levels to which white, grey and black propaganda that is now discharged from the bowels of the Kremlin propaganda machine have reached. A nostalgic entry - wistful for the bygone days when the Kremlin actually wanted […]
A lament for quality at the expense of quantity - Russian propaganda
Today sees “elections” within the “People’s Republics” of Luhansk and Donetsk. Needless to say, the recognition of these “elections“ is likely to occur only by Russia and a few other nations over which it has some influence. A point not missed by Alexandr Zakharchenko, the current self-appointed “Prime Minister” of the “People’s Republic of Donetsk” […]
Rococo and Realpolitik - ASEM Milan
Today sees the start of the ASEM 10 Summit in Milan. A biannual forum created in 1996 for the Heads of State and governments to meet, set ASEM priorities, engage in dialogue and enhance to cooperation between Asia and Europe - and all that. President Putin will attend after being guest of honour at a […]
Rogozin’s “nuclear surprise” - What matters?
Here is a good article by The Jamestown Foundation relating to the modernisation of the Russian Federation’s nuclear military capacities - and for anybody who follows Dmitry Rogozin closely, the usual slightly ambitious rhetoric. Whilst Mr Rogozin makes the claim that instead of the previously announced 70% modernisation of Russian nuclear military capabilities by 2020, […]
A little more on gas - before moving on
In yesterday’s entry, the issue of gas supply was briefly touched upon. Today, another quick glance before moving on from what will remain a topic of commentary for many for months, with increasing intensity as the cold winter months approach and The Kremlin in all probability in no rush to close any deal until it […]
Gas deal? Probably not soon
Traditionally in Ukraine, the winter heating regime now swings into action - except this year of course it hasn’t - yet. It is to be delayed a month due to the issues with Russian supply, the price, and of course the use of energy as a political weapon by certain capitals. The heating season also […]
A long fight

Continuing to set a bad precedent by becoming somewhat more interactive with readers than was ever intended - read, agree or disagree, and then the reader move on and read something else was only ever the intention - following this paragraph in yesterday’s entry, questions were emailed to the blog regarding the manner in which the […]
When it reads right - but it is still wrong
What to make of this Bloomberg article? It lays out clearly how President Putin has defeated Ukraine, NATO, the EU, as well as undermining the international and regional law and security infrastructure well enough. The article makes the case that The Kremlin has won - offering up the consolation prize that Ukraine may yet become […]
Russia’s Duma ratifies Eurasian Economic Union

Today saw the Russian Duma ratify Eurasian Economic Union - the wannabe regional challenger to the European Union, at least in part. Like the EU, it is supposed to be built upon the overarching principles of free movement of goods, services, labour and capital - as far as the economics of block status go. How […]
The Peace Marches - Russia

Much media attention has rightly been paid on those tens of thousands of souls who took part in the anti-war marches in Russia yesterday. In what is an authoritarian Kremlin regime, courage and belief are not lacking from those who took part - especially so in the not so faint shadow of the 2012 “Russia […]