Friday saw Turkish President Erdogan in Kyiv. The usual and expected reassuring words from Ukraine’s (and Odessa’s) Black Sea neighbour were uttered: “We support territorial and political integrity and independence of Ukraine, including Crimea. We recognize the legitimate aspirations of Ukraine to be united with Europe and support them. We are directly observing the […]
Unnecessary overlap or cracks in the pavement? - UA Borders
Yesterday saw the public announcement and signing of an agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the USA relating to a $24.4 million programme dealing with corruption - making public what was already more or less known regarding cooperation between the US Department of Justice and the FBI together with the Ukrainian Prosecutor Generals Office […]
Time for a swift re-framing during the lull?
The UAE-Ukraine Defence Deal

Yesterday Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced that the United Arab Emirates and Ukraine had reached a deal whereby the Arab State would cooperate militarily - thus theoretically paving the way for the UAE to send arms to Ukraine. President Poroshenko making sure to keep strictly to the script of defensive weaponry only stated - “I […]
And what of China in Ukraine?

Little has been written here about China and its activities in Ukraine for some time. That is in part due to China doing what it does in its usual quiet and unassuming way - despite the Chinese Consulate in Odessa being by far the largest and best presented of the almost 30 consulates situated in […]
The EU & Russia: Before & Beyond the Crisis in Ukraine
Arming Ukraine, when Ukraine could be (partly) arming itself
Over the next few days the decision to arm Ukraine - or not - will be made by the USA. Should it decide to do so, and the wind is certainly blowing in that direction should nothing come of the “Normandy Format” meeting in Minsk tomorrow, others will certainly follow - Lithuania, Poland, Romania etc. […]
Too many cooks - Ukraine
There is an expression that states “Too many cooks spoil the broth”. And it has merit. The same can be said of the negotiations and interactions between the actors to end the war in eastern Ukraine. In the UK media there has been criticism of the UK lead in these negotiations. Some have made comment […]
In search of “policy”

Two pointed questions today relating to the grand scheme of things - and before going any further, the term “policy” should not be considered as synonymous to the term “strategy”, for they are quite different things. Has anybody identified a definitive policy for Ukraine from “The West”? Has anybody identified a definitive policy for Russia […]
A 3G update - Ukraine

Following on somewhat nicely from yesterday’s Turkey-orientated entry, a return to a mid-November 2014 entry that was published relating to the anticipated 3G tender and licensing. An entry that attempted to highlight just how critical to Ukraine a transparent tender and subsequent licensing will be, considering the number of large foreign international corporations looking closely at […]