Is bureaucratic streamlining ahead in Ukraine? As anybody who takes note of the myriad of international reports relating to the ability to do business will know, Ukraine consistently fails to improve. The biggest gripes are with customs, both speed of clearance and levies, and VAT claims. All other problems can be overcome with a steely […]
с Рождеством – Merry Christmas – З Різдвом
с Рождеством - Merry Christmas - З Різдвом Ahem - Yes, a little “low brow” I know. Back subject matter more to your expectations tomorrow!
Ukrainian social orientation moving towards EU norms
Well there are just so many wonderfully colourful titles that could be used for this post. “Ukrainian social decay moving towards EU norms” or “Ukrainian society meets EU norms where successive Ukrainian governments have failed” etc. In a recent report from the Yaremenko Institute for Social Research it just goes to show that regardless of […]
Fans Embassies - Euro 2012 Ukraine
Now here is an interesting concept. It maybe not a new idea directly out of the box of new ideas, but it is certainly an interesting concept for Ukraine. “Embassies for fans” situated along side relevant national embassies - Blimey! Me thinks the UK Consulate building is more appropriate than a tent pitched in the […]
Challenging conventional wisdom – Freedom of movement – Ukraine/Russia
You know how sometimes it is necessary to play the devil’s advocate or think laterally in order to get a better understanding of something? At least to see an alternative view when looking through the same lens at the same issue? Well with the Duma elections today in Russia resulting undoubtedly in a few people […]
Chinese Consulate officially open in Odessa
Well, I have mentioned new consulates opening in Odessa several times over the past few years on this blog. Such mentions have included the PRC Consulate which has been operating here since 2009 although never officially opened as refurbishment continued around the Chinese staff as they worked. - How typically Chinese. Anyway, on 29th November […]
Out with the old and in with the new - Ukrainian Visa System changes today
Out with the old and in with the new. Well yes and no, depending upon what you read and who you pay attention to. To cut a long story short 16 Ukrainian Visa types are no longer issued with effect from today and are replaced by only 3, Transit, Short Term and Long Term. Not […]
Ecology/Environmental planning, registers and protocols
With the almost immediate beginning of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov shelves by the likes of the China Petroleum Company, Shell, Chevron, Eni, Petrobrazilia et al, one has to suspect there will be a State encouraged ISO 14001 styled (if not ISO 14001 itself) environmental policy push amongst the larger industrial companies operating […]