WWII - Ukrainian Battles & Red Army Music Part II


В путь - V Put “Let’s go” written in 1954 by Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi and Mikhail Dudin Operation Barbarossa and The Catastrophes of 1941. There are several points to be made about the Red Army and its early performance in World War II. The Red Army’s failures in 1941 often make reference to Stalin’s purges of […]

Training, Officers, Acronyms & Wargames: TOAW


The Operational Art of War.   There is nothing more competitive than warfare. Some train hard day and night to one day win a gold medal. What then is the limit of training when lives and the destinies of nations are on the line? Just as a goalie trains differently than a halfback or forward, […]

No I didn’t forget and never would I!

poppy day image

The Axis Highwater Mark - El Alamein (AAR Turns 21 - 30)

Proceeding with Turns 21 - 30 for The Third Reich 42 - 45 North Africa. The screenshot doesn’t do justice for the whirlwind of fighting transpiring just west of El Alamein, Egypt. A mix of British armoured and infantry brigades continuously baited Rommel’s forces to advance toward Montgomery’s massive Eighth Army. Then, using one of […]

Back to the Game - Turns 11 - 20

Continuing the play test of “Third Reich 1942 - 1945″ under The Operational Art of War, we already up to Turn 34 with no major game issues, only minor details to refine. Instead of going turn by turn, I’ll switch to covering larger blocks of turns. Finland/Karelian Front - Historically, Arctic Cicle Lend Lease Convoys […]

The Odessa Files: The Bavarian Beerhall Blitz?

NSDAP-Versammlung im Bürgerbräukeller, München

Remember… Remember the Eighth of November? Probably not, it’s totally antithetical to the ideology behind V for Vendetta.. One of the most interesting facts concerning World War II is that Hitler did jail time! This was back on November 8th, 1923 when he attempted to lead an armed coup to overthrow the government of Bavaria. […]

Tobruk and a Salute to the Shalala lala la Guys… (AAR T005-6)


Continuing with the action in North Africa, Rommel’s Afrika Korps follows in the footsteps of history with a series of hard fought attacks to take the Port of Tobruk. Most of the English Army has retreated, but by the time all is said and done, the English will have lost four brigades defending Tobruk and […]

An Oilfield Too Far - Baku or Bust (WW2 Feature)

Baku, Erdöl-Tanks

Azerbaijan is a country that most westerners couldn’t find on a map. Those who can are likely to know it for one thing - Oil. The Capitol City of Azerbaijan is Baku - the birthplace of the modern Oil Industry. Baku was the ultimate objective of the German Army in World War II. Military historians […]

The 1941 Iraq Coup and Rommel’s Afrika Korps


First, some real history… The history books almost completely gloss over German-Arab relations during World War II. It’s fitting to give some attention to Iraq’s role in World War II as it had some influence in the eventual formation of the Ba’ath Party. Without getting deep into Iraq’s history (or the affairs/aftermath of World War […]

Operation Fridericus and Case Blue (T002)


The Third Reich 1942 - 1945 AAR Turn 002. Operation Fridericus and Case Blue - The Historical Narrative. Operation Fridericus was essentially the first phase of Case Blue, culminating in the Battle of Voronezh -a mere 280 miles south of Moscow. Axis forces included Fourth Panzer Armee under General Hermann Hoth versus the Soviet 40th […]