Criminalisation of defamation - Ukraine


Well, much has been written in the Ukrainian press, many horrified tweets from Ukrainian journalists on twitter, (at least amongst those I follow and those that follow me), and many paragraphs have been blogged about the passing at the first reading, of the law to re-criminalise defamation (libel and slander). I briefly mentioned it a […]

E-justice or a data protection disaster waiting to happen?

E-justice or a data protection disaster waiting to happen? A pilot project allowing the electronic transfer of documents between third parties and the Ukrainian courts is likely to begin on 15 October. Those very capable Ukrainian hackers seem quite likely to disclose some very interesting documents in the near future I suspect - those that […]

European Charter of Local Self-Government and Ukraine


Whilst doing a bit of research, I had occasion to re-read the European Charter of Local Self-Government, to which I should add, Ukraine is a ratified signatory. In respect of Ukraine, from an empirical perspective, it would certainly seem to be failing - although not a complete failure. As is quite typical of the current […]

An open letter to the Foreign Office - Chernobyl Children’s Visas


To the very clever people in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London UK. I write that opening sentence with some sincerity, despite the sarcastic tone it may convey.  I have in my many  years living in Russia and latterly Ukraine met a good number of UK Ambassadors, Charges d’Affaires and other assorted FCO staff as […]

Securities as instuments of tax evasion - Ukraine


Well who would have thought it? Banks and financial instruments being used to avoid tax! Well yes, we all would have thought it.  We’ve all got fairly used to the idea that banks, financial markets and financial instruments are not the bastions of goodly deeds - regardless of which bank it is, where ever it […]

An immigration conundrum - A Brit in Ukraine and the UKBA


Immigration is a very touchy subject in the UK. Well it is everywhere, but as the subject of this entry is the UK, UKBA website, UK immigration rules et al, that seemed like a solid starting sentence. On 9th July 2012, the immigration rules got much tougher.  Hurrah and huzzah cry the voting masses of […]

Tax Service statements are as unclear as the tax laws it seem


The Ukrainian tax laws, whilst recently revamped and somewhat easier to follow than they once were, are still a labyrinth set with multiple traps for the unwary. That said, there is a very large proportion of Ukrainian society that simply ignore the tax laws at any given opportunity due to the varying shades of grey […]

The Diplomatic Games - Moscow 4-8 October

Well, we’ve had the Eurovision, Euro 2012 football tournament, Olympics 2012, and the Paralympics 2012 begins in effect today.  That is to name just a few major sporting events in 2012. A veritable sports-fest for those inclined to either participate or go along as a spectator. But, my dear readers, with the conclusion of the […]

Extradition, Ukraine and the “Putin 3 Plotters”

After this……. this doesn’t make much sense does it?  Unless he didn’t make appeals to the ECfHR or seek asylum. That’s all!

Osmayev seeks asylum in Ukraine


Quite topically, I mentioned Adam Osmayev in a recent post relating to Russian opposition activists seeking asylum in Ukraine only a week ago. As is quite apparent, if you know anything about Mr Osmayev’s case, he is not really a standard asylum seeker.  After all, not many asylum seekers in Ukraine have actually managed to […]