Regular readers of this blog will recall a post I wrote not so long ago relating to the Russian led Customs Union and the Vietnamese accession talks due to begin as early as September this year. Well, a week or so ago, Ukraine did indeed ratify a free trade agreement with the Customs Union. As […]
Customs Union expansion with Vietnam - Will it make it more attractive to Ukraine than the EU?
July 31, 2012 by 2 Comments
I have written very often about the DCFTA (and attached AA) agreements that are now agreed between the EU and Ukraine, even if not signed and ratified for the foreseeable future. Far less frequently have I written about the Russian led Customs Union. This is because, thus far, despite the offer of a $9 billion […]
Ukraine could join the Customs Union led by Russia
September 7, 2011 by
Remember this from only a few days ago? I pointed out that waving a diplomatic stick that the EU does not yet hold by way of DCFTA or AA agreements to beat Ukraine with over issues like the trial of Ms Tymoshenko seemed somewhat previous given they have not yet even been concluded and that […]