Transparency in Extractive Industries in Ukraine?

extractive industries

Now here is something interesting, not just because it involves transparency within the murky world of extractive industries, but the fact that this even exists in Ukraine - even if only on paper: МІНІСТЕРСТВО ЕНЕРГЕТИКИ ТА ВУГІЛЬНОЇ ПРОМИСЛОВОСТІ УКРАЇНИ НАКАЗ 02.10.2012 м. Київ № 785 Про створення багатосторонньої групи заінтересованих осіб (БГЗО) з питання імплементації […]

Внимание “Зеленые” НПО Украины

waste man

Если когда-либо руководство были идиотами  для окружающей среды и обращения с отходами НПО и для гражданского общества в Украине это тут. Вся миссия и стратегия, точки для сторонников и методологии, изложенные в простых терминах.

Clean Cities Project - Ukraine


Approximately 46 million people generate a lot of rubbish in Ukraine. If global trends are simulated in Ukraine then almost 75% of the population will be living in cities by 2035.  That will, needless to say, put a severe strain on the infrastructure of the established cities in Ukraine, many of whom, despite exceptionally poor […]

A resource efficient Ukraine?


Currently within the ever disintegrating and incoherent EU, battle has been drawn along numerous lines between the European Commission, European Parliament and European Council.  Amongst the most recent is alternative energy, green economies and resource efficiency. Not exactly headline news considering the 4 year old and continuing fiscal calamity within the EU, the democratic deficit […]

Ukraine to resume Carbon Credit trading

It seems the powers that be have decided to reenter the Carbon Credit trading market after a 2 year absence following a complaint from Japan about breaches to the Kyoto Protocol and the funds it paid for AAU’s from Ukraine apparently not going into strictly environmental budgets as per contracts here. Yes of course Ms […]

Ukraine makes into Ernst & Young renewables index

Unless you are somebody who really follows energy and in particular renewable energy, you probably are not aware that since 2003 Ernst & Young have been creating a quarterly country attractiveness index for renewable energy investors to contemplate. This month’s quarterly report contains 5 new entrants in the top 40 and Ukraine is one of […]

Ukraine and the CEI Presidency

Well, fresh out of the Presidency of the Council of Europe, Ukraine takes over the Presidency of the CEI in 2012. Yes, I know you have never heard of the CEI. The CEI is the Central European Initiative and its role is rather multifaceted by all directed towards the EU. It is made of of […]

English gardens in the Peoples Friendship Park?

You know how sometimes little things catch you eye? Whilst speed reading my way through the daily mountain of emails and constant twittering, at the bottom of an obscure paragraph relating to some form of musical and light displaying fountain to be created in Kyiv next year, almost as an after-thought, there was mention of […]

“Greening” Odessa

Now the issues of environmental and ecological impact on our surroundings is not to be taken likely.  I say that as somebody who has written and enforced numerous ISO14001 environmental policies, environmental audit procedures and emergency environmental response plans both for major companies, major projects and town councils. It is therefore exceptionally pleasing to so […]

Remember Kalush, that toxic town in Ivano-Frankivsk?

Well dear readers, do you remember me writing about Kalush almost two years ago? It was indeed when I was writing in a somewhat more “folksy” style which reading it now, I am certainly not that good at.  Fortunately I have an audience who seem to be very forgiving and far more interested in content […]