Moody’s downgrades 11 Ukrainian banks


If anybody still pays attention to the credit assessments of agencies such as Moody’s, Fitch and S&P, and I have to be quite honest and say I don’t and never have, then yesterday those who still have faith in their accuracy and independence may have noted that Moody’s downgraded 11 Ukrainian banks. Those downgraded were […]

Securities and derivatives law changes - Ukraine


Whilst all headlines will be on the action of the last RADA session passing the 2013 budget, 234 MPs also supported Law 11285 which relates to securities and derivatives - something that won’t make the headlines. Law 11285 introduces a specific tax on transactions with securities and derivatives, a 0% rate on stock exchange transactions, […]

New parliament but all the parties are tainted by corrupt members

rada fellons

The Ukrainian NGO  Чесно or “Chesno” which has made a pretty good attempt at identifying each RADA MP in the previous parliament with their numerous personal integrity failings in the past, be they issues of swapping political parties, corruption, illegal voting, being oligarchy puppets etc., etc, and has arrived at a similar graphic display for […]

A best guess or pie in the sky? Ukrainian budget 2013


Although I studied economics as part of a degree in Business Management and Finance many moons ago, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it was not exactly the most interesting of subjects, and one in which I had to motivate myself to maintain a respectable overall end grade. The fact it […]

Invest in Odessa - new city website

invest in odessa

Well, well, well! No - not three holes in the ground filled with water, but rather a sarcastic acknowledgement that Odessa City Hall has finally got around to creating a new website - Invest in Odessa. I deliberately use the word “finally”, as way back in autumn 2007 when I first met Mikhail Freidlin, he was […]

Proving me wrong - Government intervenes in currency

forced intervention

Yesterday I wrote this stating that it was “interesting” Ukraine was attempting to force transparency in the extraction industries - a place from where the oligarchy wealth comes, amongst others. It is interesting because it attempts to force some transparency into what and how much is extracted, and thus will give indications of what is […]

Transparency in Extractive Industries in Ukraine?

extractive industries

Now here is something interesting, not just because it involves transparency within the murky world of extractive industries, but the fact that this even exists in Ukraine - even if only on paper: МІНІСТЕРСТВО ЕНЕРГЕТИКИ ТА ВУГІЛЬНОЇ ПРОМИСЛОВОСТІ УКРАЇНИ НАКАЗ 02.10.2012 м. Київ № 785 Про створення багатосторонньої групи заінтересованих осіб (БГЗО) з питання імплементації […]

Still waiting…….

clock tick tock

No, no, no. Whilst we are still waiting for an eventual final election count for all constituency seats and then a decision by the opposition whether to accept the elections results or not some 8 days after polling day, that is not what I am referring to - though it would make a cynical tweet […]

Whilst waiting for the dust to settle - The Gender Gap

WEF logo

Whilst waiting for the dust to settle from yesterday’s elections, here is an interesting survey from the World Economic Forum relating to “The Gender Gap.” When hovering the mouse over nations, it appears Ukraine seems to do rather well in comparison to EU CEE nations and a few EU Mediterranean nations as well. A bit […]

Combined Heating and Power plant privitisation - Ukraine


This year, the combined heating and power plants (CHP’s) for Odessa, Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk and Kherson are all due to be privatised. None of which seems likely between now and the end of the year due to the tender process and the clauses within the tenders. Amongst the clauses are the conversion of the plants from […]