Now here is something interesting, not just because it involves transparency within the murky world of extractive industries, but the fact that this even exists in Ukraine - even if only on paper: МІНІСТЕРСТВО ЕНЕРГЕТИКИ ТА ВУГІЛЬНОЇ ПРОМИСЛОВОСТІ УКРАЇНИ НАКАЗ 02.10.2012 м. Київ № 785 Про створення багатосторонньої групи заінтересованих осіб (БГЗО) з питання імплементації […]
Внимание “Зеленые” НПО Украины
Clean Cities Project - Ukraine
Approximately 46 million people generate a lot of rubbish in Ukraine. If global trends are simulated in Ukraine then almost 75% of the population will be living in cities by 2035. That will, needless to say, put a severe strain on the infrastructure of the established cities in Ukraine, many of whom, despite exceptionally poor […]
EU, Ukraine and the environment
Following on from yesterday’s post relating to the continuing successful low profile dealings between the EU and Ukraine, whilst the high profile bickering continues, on the same day the technical bits of the DCFTA were finally agreed and initialed (19th July), the first really serious negotiations relating to EU and Ukrainian environmental issues took place. […]
The problems with “Greening” Ukraine
Two days ago on twitter (@Odessablogger) I was asked two very good questions. One by my scholarly chum @Aghidel relating to the pros and cons of Ukraine’s WTO entry, I suspect in light of Russian entry this week, and another about “greening Ukraine”. My thoughts about the benefits (or not) of WTO membership of Ukraine […]
Alternative Energy - Community Solar (A conversation between two old men in Odessa)
Ex Environment Minister released from prison by Kyiv Court of Appeal
Slow down! Don’t get too excited about a change of policy by the current Ukrainian government over ministers from the last one. It seems Heorhiy Flipchuk has had his 3 year prison sentence commuted to a 2 year suspended sentence having paid financial reparations for his alleged losses to the State budget. Justice or coercion? […]
Stray dogs
Over a year ago, I wrote rather tongue in cheek, about the issue of stray dogs in Ukraine. This subject raised its head again prior to the Euro 2012 football tournament commencing when authorities made attempts to remove the stray dog issue prior to fans and tourists descending in the hundreds of thousands to be […]
A resource efficient Ukraine?
Currently within the ever disintegrating and incoherent EU, battle has been drawn along numerous lines between the European Commission, European Parliament and European Council. Amongst the most recent is alternative energy, green economies and resource efficiency. Not exactly headline news considering the 4 year old and continuing fiscal calamity within the EU, the democratic deficit […]
Ukraine to resume Carbon Credit trading
It seems the powers that be have decided to reenter the Carbon Credit trading market after a 2 year absence following a complaint from Japan about breaches to the Kyoto Protocol and the funds it paid for AAU’s from Ukraine apparently not going into strictly environmental budgets as per contracts here. Yes of course Ms […]