Measuring results - Ukrainian civil society, the public and local government

civil society

Amongst the NGOs and civil society I follow most closely are those engaged with attempting to influence local government and local populous. Given the prevailing desire of the majority of the Ukrainian voting public to still seek out the “strong-man leader” for the nation, and in doing so legitimising the “Arbiter/Rental Society” model that is […]

Has Ukraine changed since Independence? - Fundamentally No (Contains an essential read if you want to understand Ukraine)


Yesterday I was interviewed by one of the EU’s many Brussels based (and funded) media outlets.  I am a regular contributer and am often asked to offer up difficult and thought-provoking questions which are then in turn put to members of the European Council, the European Commission, or MEPs, eventually forming the basis of articles […]

Clean Cities Project - Ukraine


Approximately 46 million people generate a lot of rubbish in Ukraine. If global trends are simulated in Ukraine then almost 75% of the population will be living in cities by 2035.  That will, needless to say, put a severe strain on the infrastructure of the established cities in Ukraine, many of whom, despite exceptionally poor […]

Unexpected invitations - New Silk Road/Неожиданное приглашение - Новый Шелковый путь


Life is full of little surprises, some good and some bad, but little surprises nonetheless. I have had a little surprise.  One which for me with so much free time on my hands I will consider a good surprise.  It is especially good from my point of view, as it marries where I live now […]

EU and UNDP pledge another Euro 23 Million for Ukrainian Civil Society

As most regular readers of this blog will have noticed by now, I am something of a policy and governance watcher.  Invariably this means I also take note of civil society/NGOs/NFPs and their interaction with the authorities and individuals of influence. The more than casual reader of this blog will also know that I do […]

Odessa joins in World Breastfeeding Week - 5th August


For those of you who didn’t know, 1st - 7th August is World Breastfeeding Week as promoted by the WHO and UNICEF.  It is celebrated, or probably more correctly stated, promoted, across more than 170 nations each year and has been for the past 20 years.  In fact this is the 20th year since the […]

Si ventus non servierit accipe remis (If the wind will not serve, take to the oars) - Lobbying in Ukraine

Business line-up

It has to be said, my Latin is somewhat rusty, so my apologies to anybody reading this whose Latin is in a far better state than my own.  However, when it comes to lobbying in Ukraine, si ventus non servierit accipe remis (if the wind will not serve, take to the oars) seems quite appropriate. Now we […]

The problems with “Greening” Ukraine


Two days ago on twitter (@Odessablogger) I was asked two very good questions.  One by my scholarly chum @Aghidel relating to the pros and cons of Ukraine’s WTO entry, I suspect in light of Russian entry this week, and another about “greening Ukraine”. My thoughts about the benefits (or not) of WTO membership of Ukraine […]

Alternative Energy - Community Solar (A conversation between two old men in Odessa)


Way back when Adam was just a lad and hadn’t even thought of Eve, I moved to Odessa from Moscow.  At least it seems that long ago.  As a civil engineer with, then, broken Russian language ability and knowing nobody, I had to find something to do with my time. I bought a number of […]

PACE to send 41 election observers to Ukraine

You will recall I wrote about Ukraine’s invitation to external bodies to send election observers for the forthcoming elections back in March. The Council of Europe/PACE has stated it will send 41 observers under the supervision of Andreas Gross of Switzerland.  Mr Gross has written two rather interesting papers over the past 4 years relating […]