EU/Ukraine Association Agreement


I was pondering a blog entry on how the EU will deal with the next Ukrainian political term given the less than ideal way it was run and eventually concluded. The answer it seems has been given before I thought too deeply about strategies, causal effects, lines of communications both overt and subtle and to […]

Moody’s downgrades 11 Ukrainian banks


If anybody still pays attention to the credit assessments of agencies such as Moody’s, Fitch and S&P, and I have to be quite honest and say I don’t and never have, then yesterday those who still have faith in their accuracy and independence may have noted that Moody’s downgraded 11 Ukrainian banks. Those downgraded were […]

Azarov nominated as Prime Minister again by the President


It seems the Ukrainian President has nominated Mykola Azarov has been nominated for the post Prime Minister again, before the President disappears into the sunset on a visit to India. Not much to say about that nomination really, other than it has put to bed rumours of other candidates. Azarov may be a grey, uninspiring, […]

EU/Ukraine Association Agreement


I am not really in the mood for writing much today - and it’s Sunday! But as it is Sunday, here is the entire EU-Ukraine-Association-Agreement-ENG, all 906 pages of it, for your weekend reading. Lots of interesting content in that and obviously a framework for those nations yet to enter into such negotiations to be […]

Securities and derivatives law changes - Ukraine


Whilst all headlines will be on the action of the last RADA session passing the 2013 budget, 234 MPs also supported Law 11285 which relates to securities and derivatives - something that won’t make the headlines. Law 11285 introduces a specific tax on transactions with securities and derivatives, a 0% rate on stock exchange transactions, […]

New parliament but all the parties are tainted by corrupt members

rada fellons

The Ukrainian NGO  Чесно or “Chesno” which has made a pretty good attempt at identifying each RADA MP in the previous parliament with their numerous personal integrity failings in the past, be they issues of swapping political parties, corruption, illegal voting, being oligarchy puppets etc., etc, and has arrived at a similar graphic display for […]

A day of annual global reports - Ukraine

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I will immediately steer clear of the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index 2012, which unsurprisingly ranks Ukraine at 144th and perceived as corrupt, simply because that will grab the mainstream headlines.  Ukraine still perceived as corrupt shocker - blah blah blah - not news at all! Instead I will bring to your attention the 2012 […]

A best guess or pie in the sky? Ukrainian budget 2013


Although I studied economics as part of a degree in Business Management and Finance many moons ago, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it was not exactly the most interesting of subjects, and one in which I had to motivate myself to maintain a respectable overall end grade. The fact it […]

Diving centre for the disabled - Odessa

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Tempted as I am to speculate on the formation of the new Cabinet of Ministers in the forthcoming new parliament, the current Cabinet resigning en masse yesterday as required by law, thus allowing for a new Cabinet and reshuffle - I won’t - yet. Instead I will ease my way back into writing here with […]

Off on holiday (of sorts)


Right.  Tomorrow I leave the dysfunctional state of Ukraine and head for (the less than) United Kingdom for 10 days or so. I am tagging on some days holiday prior to, and post, a symposium I am expected to attend in the ever beautiful city of Bath. Therefore I very much doubt I will be […]